The Navigator Story

NavigatorCRE was a platform born within the commercial real estate industry from leading professionals seeking to fundamentally change the way data is used in operations. The platform dates back to 2008 when Taylor Odegard began the development of the platform, followed by his alpha being used for a decade in the industry. He eventually paired up with Brett Hartzell, which brought the platform into view of the top CRE owners, then teamed up with Russ Johnson who helped bring together seed capital, advisors and the organizational formation. These 3 founders collectively represent over 50 years of commercial real estate experience & all 3 are believers in the power of data and its value.
Enterprise growth into top REITS, Asset Managers, GCS, Occupiers & Developers
The History
Navigator Concept Developed & built Alpha
Navigator Alpha used in large CRE transactions, brokerage, landlord & occupier engagement
NavigatorSRVS, Inc. formed & founded,
Seed Capital
NavigatorCRE featured at TechCrunch Disrupt in SFO & Seattle
$17.2M Series A Capital raise
Industry Leader in data analytics for Commercial & Corporate
Real Estate
Leadership Team

As iron sharpens iron, we sharpen each other.
NavigatorCRE is a diverse team of commercial real estate professionals, data, software & business intelligence engineers who have a passion & mission to evolve the commercial real estate industry. Our core mission is to lead our customers on the data journey & lay the foundation for their business & operational success.